Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Dancers perform with Rope or Bullets at the Grrls Gone Radical Festival.
The Chairman, Jackson Fuhrman, presides over the Totalitarian Society simulation in Aaron Hadfield's American Problems class at Brighton High School
Alfie Kohn author and controversial figure in education tried to embarrass me in front of 2000 teachers during the keynote address at the UEA convention. Kohn stopped his speech and asked me if I had taken enough pictures yet? He went on to say that he looks exactly the same as he did when started speaking 25 minutes ago, and will look the same 25 minutes from now. I decided that this was the best picture of him.


1 comment:

••• ••• ••• said...

He who laughs last (or publishes unflattering photos) wins!

Way to go, Rick!